Celebrate World Kindness Day with WBMA

In celebration of World Kindness Day (November 13), our team is celebrating the kindest thing anyone has ever done for them, and thinking about how we have and will pay it forward. Email us at [email protected] if you’d like to share your kindest experience.

“I was in 7th grade and I injured my hand to the extent that I couldn’t write. A very nice young lady that sat next to me volunteered to help me with my class notes. She made the best notes ever, even decorated with flowers and smiley faces. This made me sensitive to being disabled and has helped me empathize with those struggling with disabilities.” – Gonzalo Laje, MD, Director, WBMA

“When I was a child, I wanted to take part in a special writing program at my school. My teacher was on the fence as to whether I should apply. My mother stepped in and said, ‘Please let her try, she will rise to the occasion.’ Sure enough, I got in and rose to the top of the class – and it was in small part due to my mother’s belief in me. I internalized that message, and it carried me through many other experiences in my life. I pay this forward by expressing my unconditional belief in my family, friends, and patients, and in their ability to rise to the occasion whether there is something they want to achieve.” – Jaclyn Halper, PsyD, Director/Co-Founder, The SOAR for Psychotherapy and Testing; Licensed Psychologist & Clinical Supervisor

“The kindest thing someone has done for me has been to help me move! Some projects are just too big to handle on your own and it warms my heart when I have received such help and support. When I lend a hand and help a friend or a neighbor on a project I feel that it brings us closer together.” – Ana L. Mills, MA, ATR-BC, LCPAT

“A former supervisor provided me with supervision for free for 18 months when I finished my dissertation and she asked that I do the same if I was ever given the opportunity. This situation rarely happens and I was extremely fortunate to learn from her – especially as it relates to psychological assessment. I have tried to give back in this way, especially with folks just coming into the field when they are still strapped with graduate school debt and they’re not sure who to trust in the professional community.” – Margaret Mallory-Powell, PhD, Psychologist

“One act of kindness that I will never forget is when my 12-year-old son walked through the kitchen and said, “wow, it’sLooks like you could use some help.” He stopped what he was doing and helped me cleanup. I pay this forward by always noticing when someone could use some assistance and I always offer my help.” – Stephanie Faith Bloom, Ed.D., NBC-HWC, Life Coach

“When I was doing my postdoc training my supervisor, who I loved working with, decided to leave the organization to focus on her private practice. She knew that I still needed a certain number of hours and she maintained a relationship with the organization so that she could continue to provide supervision for me. Since that time, I have voluntarily supervised others and expect to provide that opportunity for others in the future because it was selflessly provided for me.” – Carla Corsey, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist

“When I was in graduate school, I moved to Japan to spend a year abroad conducting MRI research on emotions. My first day of work, I found myself completely lost, searching for my lab on Kyoto University’s large medical campus in the pouring rain. I was brand-new to the country, only knew how to say a handful of words, and couldn’t read katakana. I walked up to a woman, asking for directions, and she went above and beyond by personally escorting me (in the pouring rain) to my lab, and then left me with her umbrella. I was so touched by her kindness. I try to pay it forward through little gestures as a member of my local Buy Nothing group, whether gifting items to my neighbors or offering to collect donations for a local charity.” – Katie Jakowski, PhD, LMSW, Psychotherapist

“When I was in college, I had to quickly move out of an apartment and find another one. When I couldn’t find one right away, a friend offered me a place to stay until I could find a place to live. She provided me with a sense of comfort and stability when I needed it the most so that I could succeed during a significant transition. Now, I try to help family, friends, school, and community members to know that I am here to help if they ever need it. This friend taught me that just when you least expect it, someone will step up and take action to help you. There is kindness all around that gets spread in the world every day.” – Rukhsana M. Chaudhry, PsyD, Clinical Psychologist-Practitioner & Consultant

“One kind act that I will never forget is when I complimented a woman about her beautiful earrings. She immediately took them off and gave them to me and said, ‘Thank you. Now they are yours.’ I pass the spirit of that onto others, which is to be willing to be generous with what you have in ways that may be small, but are also meaningful to others.” – Shavonne Moore-Lobba, PhD, Licensed Psychologist

“One of the kindest things anyone has done for me was the note I received under my door over 5 years ago while in the hospital delivering my daughter and only child. It was from my neighbors Joelle and Adam across the hallway offering whatever help they could with the new baby. As a single mom by choice, I gratefully accepted their help holding the baby while I napped, picking up at daycare when I ran late, and being a stable part of our life ever since. Life has been much easier thanks to Aunt Joelle and Uncle Adam.” – Faith Sproul, PhD, Licensed Psychologist

“In my elementary school, students were eligible to participate in band once they reached 4th grade. I’d always loved music and had taken piano lessons for years, but didn’t decide to join until 5th grade. Since most of my classmates had already started the prior year, I felt behind— and since piano wasn’t an option, I didn’t know what instrument I wanted to play. My school band career was definitely off to a unclear and anxiety-producing start.

The band director was kind and reassuring, and she offered to meet with me after school one day for some guidance. Unsure of what to expect, I showed up to the meeting— and there she was, smiling and holding a French horn (I’d never even seen one!) I struggled to get a sound out of it, but she coached and encouraged me until I could. Long story short: that day I became a French hornist for the next 8 years, through graduating high school, an experience that shaped my life in so many ways. And all because this teacher gave up her own time to give a little girl an impromptu music lesson.

In this spirit, I’ve always tried to ‘pay it forward’ by taking the time to help others tap into their own creative self-expression, be able to see the paths toward their goals… and cheer them on in empowerment to share their own unique, joyful noises with the world!” – Jean Jesse, MA, LCPC, Psychotherapist

“I believe the kindest thing that anyone has done for me is allow me to be myself. The first adult to allow me to truly be myself is my father. When I came out, he was very supportive and gave me a chance to introduce to both him and the world who Jordan actually is. Without this, I don’t know how long it would have taken for me to become the fully realized version of myself. Initially, I paid this forward by creating a GSA at my high school where people could be themselves (Gay-Straight Alliance in 2012, but I believe it’s now Gender and Sexuality Alliance). In my everyday life, I show up for those I love and allow them space to be their authentic selves. Whether this means having a FaceTime lunch date with a friend who is hesitant to be in public due to COVID, or talking a loved one through an endeavor they are hesitant about, I make it a point to show up and support them for who they are.” – Jordan Lakford, Clinical Psychology, Doctoral Extern

“A few months before I was set to start Graduate school, the person I was living with decided to move. Their house sold very quickly and I had just a couple weeks to find somewhere else to live. While I was scrambling to figure out what to do, a friend offered to have me stay with her family. She rearranged their home to make a space for me and her husband helped me find a job. Welcoming me into their home without a second thought is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me. I strive to carry their kindness forward by lending support and encouragement to others going through difficult and stressful transitions, remembering how instrumental their kindness was in getting me through that time.” – Rebecca Liberty, MS, Clinical Psychology, Doctoral Extern

“In a world where our worThis is often based on productivity or performance; it is easy to lose sight of who we are in the clamor and chaos of what we do. In one of the most deeply challenging seasons of my life, a gentle soul invited me to slow down, to share their space, and to simply exist. They welcomed every part of me: the beautiful and the wretched, the broken and the transcendent. They bore witness and made space for all of me without expectation or judgment. This quiet kindness saved my life, and I work to honor this sacred gift by offering the same radical acceptance to clients, friends, loved ones, and strangers alike.” – Christa Hill, Clinical Psychology, Doctoral Extern

“While working in the extreme desert heat, a homeless man with very few possessions was so concerned for my well-being that he insisted I take his new bottled water. I was concerned that he would be without water, but he insisted I take it. I was so moved that someone who I thought was so down on their luck would be so kind to a stranger.” – Beth Nevins-Wagner, MPA, Practice Administrator

“During undergrad, I was unable to go home for holidays due to not having a car and being over 6 hours away from my family. I had a great group of friends whose families were so welcoming of me being there for the holidays. I felt so thankful to have made those friends and for their families basically treating me as one of their own.” – Emma Barrett, Program Manager

“One of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me was randomly get me flowers and Starbucks on Valentine’s Day. I was on my way to work, and I decided to stop for coffee. To my surprise, when I went to the window, they told me that the gentleman in front of me had already paid for it. It was so unexpected, but my immediate response was to pay for the person behind me. Once I pulled into the garage at work, I talked to the attendants as I normally would when one of them told me he had a surprise for me. He went to their office and brought out flowers for me because he said I deserved to feel special that day. The acts of kindness from these two gentlemen completely changed my whole day because I had no plans or expectations to receive anything. Valentine’s Day was always my least favorite holiday, but this day in particular made me appreciate it a lot more.” – LaNiya Dicks, Office Manager

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day – November 20, 2021

With every suicide death, family, friends, and colleagues are left behind to make sense of the loss. Dr. Stefanie Bloom, a suicide loss survivor herself, will hold a online gathering on November 20 at 12:00 pm for loss survivors to come together to find connection, understanding, and hope. To register, please email: [email protected]Here is the corrected text:

[email protected]

Zoom Link

Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is November 8th through 13th. Our team has curated some helpful mental health resources for our community:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741
NAMI Helpline: 800-850-NAMI
Veterans Crisis Chat: Text to 838255
Domestic Violence 1-800-799-7233
Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
Eating Disorder Chat: Text 1-800-931-2237
LGBTQQIAA+ Crisis Support: thetrevorproject.org/get-help/ or 866-488-7386
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
Postpartum Helpline: 1-800-944-4773 (phone or text for resources, not for immediate crisis)
Affirmative Resources for Autism & Neurodivergence: https://euroclastic.com/


Black Mental Health Alliance: 410-338-2642
Stronghearts Native Helpline: 1-844-NATIVE

Anxiety & Depression Association of America: 240-485-1001
ADHD Support through CHADD: 1-800-233-4050
Depression & Bipolar: 1-800-826-3632
Schizophrenia & Related Needs: 240-423-9432

Specific Resources for teens & young adults: jedfoundation.org

OK2Talk.org or 1-800-273-TALK
Youthspace Text Line: Text 778-783-0177

Local warm lines for general support:
DC: 1-888-793-4357
MD: 1-800-422-0009
VA: 1-866-400-6428

MD Pro Bono Counseling Project: 410-825-1001
To locate services through SAMHSA: 1-800-662-4357
Medical Care regardless of immigration status:
Mary’s Center: 844-796-2797
Proyecto Salud Clinic: 301-962-6173

Apps: Headspace, Calm, Breeze

For personalized help or additional resources, please email us at [email protected]

Please also visit our Facebook pages for daily videos to raise awareness about mental health the week of Nov 8-13: @washingtonma and @SOARPsych

We are hiring!

WBMA, LLC’s SOAR Program for Psychotherapy and Testing is hiring a part-time or full-time neuropsychologist or psychologist for in-person comprehensive testing. If the applicant is interested in providing therapy, this opportunity is also available and encouraged.

We are also hiring psychotherapists (Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, etc.) with specialized skills in: DBT, Trauma (EMDR, EFT, etc.), OCD, and/or Play Therapy for hybrid virtual and in-person work. This position is part-time with opportunity to grow to full time.



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Always consult your health care provider regarding medical conditions, treatments and health needs of you and your family.

In an emergency situation call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.