Sleep and Exercise

The importance of restorative sleep as an integral part of any treatment strategy cannot be emphasized enough. We may evaluate your sleep through the use of “wearable” devices, or, if necessary, through a sleep study. Consistent exercise is strongly recommended for cardiovascular health, and to aid sleep. It has also consistently been demonstrated that exercise is crucial to overall wellbeing. Exercise can help regulate mood, attention, stress/anxiety, and inflammation. We emphasize exercise that is reasonable and appropriate for each situation. This may range from walking slowly around the block to intense daily training.

Let's get started.


All health-related information contained within this Blog/Web site is intended to be general in nature and should not be considered as a substitute for the advice of a personal healthcare provider. The information provided is for educational purposes only, designed to help patients and their families wellbeing. 

Always consult your health care provider regarding medical conditions, treatments and health needs of you and your family.

In an emergency situation call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.