Virtual Reality

Virtual reality (VR) is a simulated experience aimed to be similar to the real world. We use VR goggles that provide an immersive visual and auditory experience (sense of presence). The person using the VR equipment is able to look around, move around, and interact with the virtual features or items within the artificial world. These features are programmed to be therapeutic supports, helping the client create safe and more realistic scenarios to work with underlying challenges. This effect is commonly created by a VR headset that consists of a head-mounted display with a small screen in front of the eyes, and earphones that deliver high quality sound cues.

In psychotherapy, virtual environments allow us not only to reproduce relevant simulations, but also to manipulate variables in order to support the client’s needs. VR provides the option of evaluating and supporting a client “within” a specific situation (for example, in the subway), without the need to leave the office. It allows us to repeat certain conditions (for example, a takeoff) as many times as necessary to work on a therapeutic goal (habituation, reciprocal inhibition of an anxious response, relaxation, etc.), and it helps us to personalize variables and the moments at which certain events are started, stopped, or repeated, as needed.

What is VR Therapy?

VR therapy is the use of a virtual reality device for psychological therapy. In this modality, clients use a VR device to experience and complete tasks through a digitally created environment tailored to treat their specific concern.

Main Advantages of VR Therapy

VR is a non-invasive and safe technique based on the projection of interactive 3D graphics through a VR device (goggles and headphones). The placement of the head device isolates the external stimuli, transporting the user to an environment that is different from the one they are in, in that moment.

It is in this “virtual” environment, designed for the client, where the most adequate therapeutic procedure is applied.

As in many other areas, new technologies give us the possibility to facilitate certain processes. In the case of VR therapy, we can personalize interventions in accordance with the client’s needs. For example, in the case of fear of flying, we can land before taking off, and repeat the process as many times as necessary.

As Gutierrez (2002) points out, there are a series of advantages, which we call Virtual Reality’s Decalogue of Advantages, from which we and our clients can benefit:</

  1. It offers a greater degree of privacy in comparison with live exposure.
  2. The cost is also lower, as it is not necessary, for example, for therapists to change locations or to hire co-therapists.
  3. It allows us to carry out treatments in difficult-to-access stimulation configurations (e.g., take-offs, storms), and to solve more easily problems associated with the client’s imagination difficulties.
  4. It provides greater control of stimuli and conditions. The therapist can decide whether it is day or night, rainy or sunny, etc. In this way, we can better adjust the therapeutic process to the client’s needs.
  5. It allows us to create situations that go beyond what can be found in reality itself. For example, we can recreate 10 consecutive take-offs, or going up on an evaluator, without stopping at any floor for 5 minutes.
  6. It facilitates self-training and over-learning, as the client does not have to wait for the events to take place in real life. They can produce and reproduce them whenever they wish.
  7. It allows the therapist to control and observe what the client is seeing, which allows them to determine clinical relevance.
  8. It makes it possible to design exposures in a personalized, step by step format. 
  9. It is very safe. The therapist and client control what is happening at all times.
  10. It is an activity in which the client adopts an active and participative role (Bruner, Vygotsky, Piaget). In this way, the client can promote re-learning and behavior modification, when desired.

Let's get started.


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