Finding My Rhythm: Navigating Life as an ADHD’er
You’re in for a treat with this post because I’m starting without one, but two…
Tips and Tricks for Children Going to New Schools
As summer draws to a close, may students find themselves experiencing a mix of excitement…
Reframing ‘Self-Care’: A Mental Health Professional’s Perspective
I was talking with my supervisor the other day about words or phrases that we…
Getting Ready for Parents’ Day
National Parents’ Day is July 23. This is a day to celebrate parents and parent…
It’s Pride Season, as an Ally, You can Level Up: Blog by a Queer Therapist
If you haven’t already noticed from targeted ads on social media, displays at Target, or…
When PANDAS is the Cause
Without a specific test to diagnose Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS),…
Introducing CLEaR Therapy
Exciting things are happening this summer at WBMA! Our practice is extending a new arm…
Screen Free Week
Chances are you’re reading this blog post on a screen. Even if you printed out…