Tics are common among children. Not all children with tics require treatments. The goal of this post is to describe occasions when medical treatments should be considered.
Some children have mild tics. They are referred to medical specialists because family members, teachers, or primary physicians become concerned about the onset of abnormal movements and/or sounds that are tics. But often the child is unaware of these movements or sounds (or unconcerned about them). When tics are mild and do not affect daily activities, medical treatment is not needed.
Tics can be severe, and when they are, treatment should be considered. The following situations are examples of when to consider seeking treatment.
Tics cause pain
Certain stretching movements with tics, especially involving the neck and shoulders, can cause pain or discomfort. Treatment should be considered whenever tics are thought to produce pain.
Tics affect daily activities
Both motor and vocal tics can be disruptive in a classroom (or other) environment. Motor tics can interfere with daily activities and sports. Vocal tics can impair the pronunciation of words. If tics impair normal daily activities, treatment should be considered.
Tics affect social functioning
Young children might not be aware of their tics or they might not be concerned by them, even when the movements or sounds are quite noticeable to others. Usually, treatment is not necessary when the patient is not concerned. However, when tics draw negative attention from peers or cause the individual to avoid social situations because of embarrassment, treatment may be helpful.
Comorbidities are present
In a previous post, comorbidities were defined as additional medical conditions that are commonly present with the primary condition. Common comorbid conditions with tics include attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and depression. It is common for a patient with tics to have at least one comorbid condition. When present, these conditions may warrant treatment, although treatment of the tics themselves may or may not be necessary.
The specific types of treatments for tics will be discussed in the next post.
¹Hirschtritt ME, Lee PC, Pauls DL, et al. Lifetime prevalence, age of risk, and genetic relationships of comorbid psychiatric disorders in Tourette’s syndrome. JAMA Psychiatry. 2015;72:325-333.